This week’s G7 summit in Biarritz, France, has been jam-packed with all the amateur-dramatics we’ve come to expect from America’s CEO—from an insistence that Vladimir Putin be allowed back to the negotiating…

Definers is a Wake Up Call for Facebook’s Media Fans
Was anybody truly surprised when TechCrunch revealed that Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s COO, knew more about the company’s work with opposition research group Definers that she originally let on? At first Sandberg, a phlegmatic character…

Anger in Israel as Airbnb Bans Settlement Properties from Site
Airbnb will pull property listings in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, prompting a political backlash in Jerusalem. The vacation rental firm had come under criticism for failing to mention that dozens of homes…

Silicon States: Lucie Greene Explores Big Tech’s New World
Renowned futurist and global think-tank leader Lucie Greene has spent years honing her expertise on the tech industry. In Silicon States, she examines the players, promises and potential problems of Big Tech, speaking…

Mark Zuckerberg Finally Says Sorry – Is It Too Late?
Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg has broken his five-day silence on the Cambridge Analytica affair, telling users the company’s policies represented “a breach of trust between Facebook and the people who share their…

Ex-Catalan Leaders Says Tech Will Help Him Govern from Belgium
Carles Puigdemont, the fired former leader of want-away Spanish region Catalonia, has announced his intentions to return to power. The politician, who faces charges of sedition and rebellion over an independence declaration…

As VC and Talent Base Show, West Bank’s Tech Sector is Well Poised
Palestine’s tech sector is not a new phenomenon. Its universities are among the most prestigious in the Arab world, and multinationals have flocked to its history-rich, rolling landscape for years. In the…

The Top Politicians on Social Media
Barely a day passes without another Twitter storm courtesy of Donald Trump. Whether it’s haranguing news media or issuing self-congratulatory missives, the US President is surely aware that his tweets do not…

Raph Crouan and Ben Hayes of London’s Startupbootcamp, on Brexit’s Effect on Tech: “Uncertainty is the Biggest Killer”
Startupbootcamp is a globally-focused group hosting events over a hundred cities. It connects founders and mentors from Holland to Honduras. This year’s Startupbootcamp in London saw teams from Latvia, Canada and Britain,…

The Dread Pirate and The Populist: Czech Tech Pros See Few Pluses in a Tough Election
This weekend Czechs go to the polls in a hotly-contested general election that pits a billionaire populist against his former colleague, a dreadlock-sporting digital pirate and a half-Japanese, Islamophobic right-winger. But amid…