Video Played on Mobile Devices, Tablets and Connected TVs Nearly Doubled in Q4
Ooyala, a provider of online video, recently published a report that documents the accelerating use of online video due to the popularity of tablets, mobile devices and connected TVs. Analyzing the viewing behavior of more than 100 million monthly unique users, the report found that video plays on tablets, mobile devices and connected TVS nearly doubled from the fourth quarter compared to the third in 2011, a trend expected to continue in the coming years.
“Our data suggests that viewers are watching more videos online—they’re clicking ‘play’ at
a higher rate and watching longer per video play,” the report stated.
Viewers are more than twice as likely to complete the video on a tablet or connected TV, compared to a desktop. Viewers are also watching four times as many long videos compared to short videos, with videos over 10 minutes accounting for more than half viewings on connected TVs.
“Viewers watch differently on different devices,” the report stated. “Video publishers need to measure and understand these differences in order to create viewing experiences that engage viewers effectively.”
Connected TVs had the greatest growth spurts for the fourth quarter, and their use resulted in more videos completed. Connected TVs saw videos completed 47 percent of the time, while tablets saw a completion rate of 38 percent. Users of connected TVs were 70 percent more likely to complete three-quarters of a video. Tablets, on the other hand, were 45 percent more likely to complete a video at least three-quarters of the way through, and watched 21.9 percent longer of a video on average when compared to the third quarter.
The popularity of connected TVs saw Google’s share of video plays increase 91 percent for the quarter.
When it came to social media sharing around the remote, Facebook beat out Twitter unsurprisingly, with 10 Facebook shares for every Twitter share.
Ooyala’s report was global in nature, with half of all video plays occurring outside the US.