In 2008, just as the financial world was imploding, Georg Ludviksson took a job at Glitnir Bank in his home country, Iceland. On day three the bank failed. Ludviksson saw an opportunity.…
Gobi Partners’ Kay-Mok Ku on Investing Smart in Southeast Asia
Kay-Mok Ku has over 17 years’ experience investing in startups across Asia. Since 2010 he has been a partner at Gobi Partners, an early-stage fund established in Shanghai in 2002. Singapore-based Ku has…
Berlin’s Project A Sees No Need for a Plan B, as Germany’s Capital Surges Onwards
Normally you’d expect news of a company that has made 38 investments and four acquisitions in under four years, in what is fast becoming Europe’s tech capital, to be spreading like wildfire.…
VC Gleb Davidyuk discusses Russia’s investment climate
Gleb Davidyuk is managing partner of iTechCapital, a Latvia-based fund specializing in the Russian digital market. Previous to iTech Gleb has worked at Scandinavian fund Mint Capital, Alfa Capital and the Central…
Alexander Fries, Ecosystem Ventures talks European investment
Alexander Fries is a seasoned businessman and venture capitalist. Having moved from his native Switzerland to Silicon Valley over a decade ago, Fries began helping other Europeans cross the Atlantic and become…
Investor Interview: Station 12’s Patrick Bradley
Patrick Bradley began his professional career as a lawyer in the City of London, before branching into media with Polygram, where he stewarded the release of movies such as 1994’s Four Weddings…