Amazon and Google can breathe a sigh of relief. Apple unveiled its iPad Mini, a 7.9 miniature version of the iPad, for $329, a bit more expensive than the $250 analysts had…

Amazon and Google can breathe a sigh of relief. Apple unveiled its iPad Mini, a 7.9 miniature version of the iPad, for $329, a bit more expensive than the $250 analysts had…
Microsoft is seeing its Skype acquisition pay off in terms of usage increase, though it remains to be seen if that actually adds up to bona fide revenue. In its quarterly earnings…
by MATT GALLAGHER, Red Herring Everyone has that little voice inside them that wonders in the middle of the night whether or not the front door is locked. Do you get up…
by Anam Alpenia, Red Herring Japan’s Softbank is purchasing 70 percent of Sprint for $20.1 billion to become the third largest company in the world in terms of revenues. Both companies agreed…
A House Intelligence Committee report warns US firms against doing business with Huawei and ZTE, two prominent Chinese tech companies, because of the risk of espionage. The report recommends barring the two…
At the ad conference IAB MIXX this week, Facebook laid out its argument to advertisers, based on a recent study it conducted with Datalogix: Clicks are meaningless. The value of online advertising…
by Anam Alpenia, Red Herring The EU Competition Commission has ruled that Microsoft failed to comply with a 2009 ruling mandating it to offer a choice of web browsers, which could mean…
Apple’s not content with the $1 billion fine a US District Court slapped on its competitor Samsung after a judge ruled the company had “willfully violated” 6 out of 7 of its…
In the wake of failed anti-piracy bills, a number of competing tech titans including Facebook, Google, Amazon and Yahoo have teamed up to buy their own lobbying group to ensure that geeks…
The list is up. Come visit us in Hong Kong on September 10-12 and enjoy presentations from the 2012 Top 100 Asia contenders.